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Welcome to Stamford Bridge Community Pool


Owned by PACT (Parents and Carers Together), and managed by a team of volunteers, the Pool relies on donations, grants, fundraising and pool usage to fund the running of the pool, therefore keeping it open for the community. It costs over £100 per day to keep the pool open so any support we receive from our loyal supporters and our community is greatly appreciated. We're lucky to be part of a vibrant village with a strong sense of community spirit.


The pool is open for private hire and open swim sessions as well as for our swim school partners.  


Please shower before entering the pool

We kindly ask that all pool users use the showers to rinse off before they enter the pool. This is common practice in many pools and helps to wash off things that may affect the chlorine levels, such as deodorant and sweat.

For those with baby swimmers we ask that you dont reuse old swim nappies and ensure new/clean nappies are used during this shortage as well.


Open swim sessions 

Currently we are only running our adult swim session on Tuesdays 7-8pm and our family swim session on Sundays 2-3pm.

Prebooking is essential via

We can now accept cash or card/chip and pin payments

Prices (from 6th June 2022)

Under 3’s - free

3 to 9 years - £3

9 years+ / Adults - £5


Private Hire

£50 per hour


COVID 19 Safety Measures for 2022


All Sessions Need to be Pre-booked via email

The maximum number in the pool is 20.

1. Entry and exit is via the main door/entrance.
2. Please sanitise on entry and exit. (Sanitising stations are located at multiple points around the building. 
3. Please use the antibacterial wipes and clean down the bench you use before and after.
4. We recommend the wearing of face masks when not in the pool.
5. We reccomend arriving at the pool, for your swim, ready changed to enter the pool. The changing rooms and showers can be used before and after your swim. 
6. Please DO NOT attend the pool if you feel unwell, have any symptoms of Covid or
have been told to social isolate.
7. If you are bringing equipment, small floats etc to the pool, make sure they are clean.
8. To help with ventilation all windows should remain open.
9. Regular cleaning of the building will be done.


When you visit the pool, we kindly ask that pool users remove outdoor footwear before entering the changing rooms.