Vacancies & Volunteering
Stamford Bridge Community Pool is run by a group of volunteers which consist of parents from the school and other members of the local community (you do not have to have children at the school to either use the pool or help us to run and maintain it!). It is a charity and relies completely on fundaraising and pool hire.
If you want to get involved or feel that you could spare a small amount of time to help, we would love to hear from you.
Running a Swimming Pool is a time consuming and expensive operation so anyone out there with specialist knowledge of heating systems, plumbing, electrics etc would be most welcome to join us and help keep the facility operational for another 30 years!!
We urgently need new committee members to keep the pool running. The committee is largely made up of long serving members, and we are keen to recruit new people to help share the work. There are lots of jobs, some large some small, that need to be done to ensure that the pool is available for the children to learn to swim, There is a list of some of those jobs below:
- Take a turn with the booking diary and email
- Be the responsible adult at open swimming sessions (take the money and support the lifeguard) We have a rota of helpers
- General Admin including notices to the Link, insurance etc etc
- Look for funding to maintain and improve the pool, general fundraising
- Pay in cash and cheques to the bank
- Make posters and distribute to all the notice boards and shops etc
- Recruit others to help
- Bake, help with refreshments at events
- Inform the press and radio or any events taking place
- Train to be a lifeguard so that we can open at more times, we organise the training
- Helping with the everyday maintenance of the pool. (We currently have several excellent people who do the work but more assistance would be welcome.
If you think you can help, please contact us to find out more.